Jordan [5927]

Jordan [5927]

Go! Center #5927 AIMers of all types needed! ESL, administrative, personal assistant, prayer warriors, teachers, techies, language students, etc… Whatever you already do in the Kingdom of God, come do it in Jordan! Two months, two years, or a lifetime! Just come and...
Papua New Guinea [4106]

Papua New Guinea [4106]

Go! Center #4106 Papua New Guinea is a revival field. The field is white ready for harvest and we need laborers! A country truly set back in time, if you are after an adventure in missions then Papua New Guinea is the field to be! Known affectionately as “The...
Jordan [1071]

Jordan [1071]

Go Center #1071 The representative in Jordan is looking for AIMers! Those applying for this position will be asked to assist in all current endeavors. This includes: Prayer ministry, growing a small church, planting a new church, children’s ministries, Bible school...