Finland [7105]

Focus: UPCI Finland’s training program.

We are in need of a person with video editing and library curation expertise to assist with taking our course website offerings to the next level. Only a few on our team possess expertise in this area and all are pastors with a “full plate” of responsibility.

Should you choose to accept this mission, the work would occur in conjunction with our “IT Administrator/Chief Information Officer” to curate a video library of training courses. In your free time, you would also perform pioneering tasks like pre-evangelism prayer walking and assisting in worship meetings. In brief, your AIM experience with us would include both fulfilling work and ministry. Training is the backbone of our pioneering activity, so this is no minor thing we are requesting. On-field service is needed so communications regarding this task can occur in real-time, making the work more efficient and productive.

Your North American passport will enable a 90-day stay in Finland. An Etias (EU) visa may be required, although it’s not currently in force. The timeframe for this mission would be fall 2025, focusing on a September start if possible. If you gain approval after having conversations with Jesus and your pastors, we would love to hear from you!



*Upon appointment, the final budget will include 10% administrative fees, monthly account maintenance fees, and required medical insurance.


Mark and Glenda Alphin



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