Choose Your Path
Federated States of Micronesia [7108]
WHAT? The youth ministries on Pohnpei is exploding! Field Superintendent, missionaries David and Kelley Dibble need someone to come alongside the pastor in developing this fast-growing ministry. Also, there is an opportunity to teach the GATS curriculum in our...
Republic of Palau [7107]
WHAT? An Army wife in the 1980s, our Palauan pastor was won to the Lord in the States. She wondered for years why no missionary wanted to take the Gospel to her people so in the 1990s she took It to her homeland herself. The 68-year-old pastor and single mom of an...
Northern Mariana Islands [7106]
WHAT? The church on the beautiful island of Saipan has lain dormant since its pastor passed away in 2011. Field Superintendent, missionaries David and Kelley Dibble request a married couple to revive the multicultural congregation. A hotel meeting room or similar...
Wales [7103]
The work in Wales is looking for people who have a pioneer spirit. As a country with only one established church for 3 million people, there is a great need and opportunity. You would be based in Swansea, a city of 250,000 but with a small town feel. Situated on...
Moldova [7102]
Are you a single young man feeling the pull to missions and ministry? We are looking for two young men to step up to the challenge of an unreached city. We are currently starting a new work in the capital city of Chisinau. While we are so grateful for all the young...
Moldova [7101]
The McBride family is currently pioneering the work in Moldova. It’s an exciting adventure but a bit of a challenge with two sweet babies. In the new year of 2026, Silas will be four years old and sweet Adelina will be two and a half. What a blessing it is to serve...
Armenia [7092]
Armenia - the Land of Noah! This beautiful nation has endured many wars and even a genocide on its people in the past, but they have endured. They are a strong nation of proud people, who are in desperate need of a Savior. Armenia has one UPCI church and many more are...
The Republic of Georgia [7090]
We are looking for someone who is eager and excited to work in a young church. You will assist with growing the kingdom of God through Music Ministry & Assisting the Church in Tbilisi. We have a large group of college students, who are so willing to serve in the...
Republic of Georgia [7089]
გარმჯობა (Garmajoba)! Hello from the Republic of Georgia! We are looking for 1 or 2 young ladies to come to AIM in Georgia, to assist with teaching our children and to also work in the church in Tbilisi. Our children are using Abeka Academy. Esther is 9 1/2, and she...