Choose Your Path
Luxembourg [1435]
Go!Center #1435 If your heartbeat is to go into a predominately "unchurched" area and take the apostolic message to those that have never heard it, then Luxembourg could be right for you. There are about 630,000 souls in this small country that is predominately Roman...
United Kingdom [1299]
Go!Center #1299 Location: Liverpool, England. Ministry: Proven Bible study teacher who is willing to turn their hand to whatever is needed, such as: admin work, day-to-day church business assistance; someone who can think on their feet.
Jordan [1071]
Go Center #1071 The representative in Jordan is looking for AIMers! Those applying for this position will be asked to assist in all current endeavors. This includes: Prayer ministry, growing a small church, planting a new church, children’s ministries, Bible school...
Fiji [1016]
MK HOMESCHOOL ASSISTANT: Missionaries Troy and Jennette Wickett are in need of a single lady whose main focus would be to assist in education of their three children Justus (Grade 3), Callan (Grade 1) & Eva (Kindergarten) three days a week. Additionally, the AIMer...