Choose Your Path





Hungary [6386]

Hungary [6386]

Go! Center #6386 AIMers needed in Budapest, Hungary! There is a growing church here where God is doing incredible things. However, a recent illness has been giving many challenges to the Cseh family’s life. AIMers are needed to help continue the work in Budapest. An...

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Dominican Republic [6231]

Dominican Republic [6231]

Go! Center #6231 Are you gifted in administration and passionate about ministry? We have an exciting opportunity for you! We are looking for a dedicated single (or married- if you wish to come as a team) man to assist the missionary in the Dominican Republic. We are...

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Jordan [5927]

Jordan [5927]

Go! Center #5927 AIMers of all types needed! ESL, administrative, personal assistant, prayer warriors, teachers, techies, language students, etc… Whatever you already do in the Kingdom of God, come do it in Jordan! Two months, two years, or a lifetime! Just come and...

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Trinidad & Tobago [5622]

Trinidad & Tobago [5622]

Go! Center #5622 The country of Trinidad and Tobago is experiencing great revival and growth. With this growth, many laborers are needed in this nation to make disciples and assist in evangelism. There is a need for a young or old couple/family in Trinidad and Tobago....

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Taiwan [2045]

Taiwan [2045]

Go! Center #2045 ​WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Taiwan is currently one of the strongest democracies in Asia.  Freedom of religion and freedom of speech is greatly valued.  Missionaries are respected, and Christians have influence in society. Evangelism is allowed, and...

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Papua New Guinea [4106]

Papua New Guinea [4106]

Go! Center #4106 Papua New Guinea is a revival field. The field is white ready for harvest and we need laborers! A country truly set back in time, if you are after an adventure in missions then Papua New Guinea is the field to be! Known affectionately as "The Land of...

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Jordan [3905]

Jordan [3905]

Go! Center #3905 We are looking for 2 or 3 people that would be willing to come and help us with VBS and Youth Camp in the Summer of 2024. We need people that are good with decorating, acting, puppets, praying with kids in the altar, helping with games and other areas...

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North Africa [3804]

North Africa [3804]

Go! Center #3804 Join a pioneering team that will make on-going prayer trips and make contacts in a beautiful North African country! You will have an opportunity to work with an experienced representative and learn what it takes to plant the seeds of the Gospel in a...

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Republic of Georgia [3203]

Republic of Georgia [3203]

Go!Center # 3203 The Republic of Georgia is looking for Energetic, Excited, Self-Motivated, Passionate about the Kingdom people and Good Communicators. We are working to grow, disciple, establish people and works all across this beautiful nation. We are in need of:...

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Poland [2533]

Poland [2533]

Go! Center #2533 Poland is a country of 38 million souls and only one UPCI church. We need many hands to plant churches, do evangelism, pray with people in the streets, teach Bible studies, lead teams, create ministry programs of every kind, and so much more. Our...

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Gabon [2330]

Gabon [2330]

Go! Center #2330 Sister Carter is the first resident missionary in Gabon and is endeavouring to come alongside the church that has been in existence for 20 years and strengthen it, evangelize, plant churches, encourage church growth. AIMers would be encouraged to work...

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Mali [2014]

Mali [2014]

Go! Center #2014 Mali ('country of the hippo') is home to over 20 MILLION people from many different people groups and languages, 95% of whom are Muslim. Our capital city, Bamako, teems with 3+ MILLION of those souls. We aim to reach them all with the saving message...

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Jordan [1071]

Jordan [1071]

Go Center #1071 The representative in Jordan is looking for AIMers! Those applying for this position will be asked to assist in all current endeavors. This includes: Prayer ministry, growing a small church, planting a new church, children’s ministries, Bible school...

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Samoa [1107]

Samoa [1107]

Go!Center #1107 We are in need of AIMers immediately! Samoa is primed for revival and is about to experience a great harvest of souls! Our National Bible College, Apostolic Truth Bible College, is a prime example of the need we currently have. Do you love to teach?...

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