Luxembourg [1435]

Go!Center #1435

If your heartbeat is to go into a predominately “unchurched” area and take the apostolic message to those that have never heard it, then Luxembourg could be right for you. There are about 630,000 souls in this small country that is predominately Roman Catholic. Luxembourg City is its capital and many people there speak English. If you speak French it will be a tremendous help but is not necessary. If you want to be able to say, “I was there when it all happened,” then you may want to pray about coming to Luxembourg because God is about to open doors of opportunity all over this country to reach those He wants to save. There will be signs, wonders, miracles, and demonstrations of God’s power, love, and glory. This is an amazing opportunity to work with pioneering missionaries in a new mission work, teach Bible studies, and do outreach and evangelism overseas.


$2,200/month - Not Including Airfare or necessary Visas

*Upon appointment, the final budget will include 10% administrative fees, monthly account maintenance fees, and required medical insurance.


Jeremy Favors



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