Moldova [7075]

#Go! Center 7075

Do you love children? Do you love teaching Sunday school? We have a place for you in Moldova! As we are starting a church in the capital city of Chisinau, we need someone to help us start up our children’s ministry. Children are the future and without them, we cannot have a thriving church. We want to focus on the little ones at the beginning and develop a strong children’s ministry that will disciple and equip them for the future that God has for them!

We are asking the AIM individual, couple, or family to be creative, fun, and patient as they work to help us start ministering to the children of Moldova. Not only would they teach Sunday school, but they would be tasked to help us find creative opportunities to reach out to children. This would include but not be limited to Children’s English Clubs, finding ways to volunteer or serve in local hospitals or children’s homes, as well as hosting camps or events in the park.

We would also ask for them to be involved in AIM training, and to help our church plant in whatever way their giftings and talents allow. This is a 3 opportunity starting in May or August of 2026. If single, the AIMer would room with another AIMer, but if a couple or family, they would have their own apartment. The applicant(s) would use public transport to get around the city.

If curious to know more, you can click here to see interviews from other AIMers who have served in Moldova!

*Due to us being next to Ukraine, we ask that the individual(s) demonstrate a strong sense of situational awareness and maturity.



*Upon appointment, the final budget will include 10% administrative fees, monthly account maintenance fees, and required medical insurance.


Michael McBride



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