Switzerland [7064]

#Go! Center 7064

Switzerland is a multicultural melting pot of nearly 9 million souls located in the heart of Europe. With four official languages (German, French, Italian, and Romansh) spread among 26 cantons, the opportunities to share the Gospel are endless. Switzerland is known for its cheeses, chocolate making, and of course the Swiss Alps, but it is soon to be known for the Great Revival that is taking place!

God has given us the keys to walk through open doors set before us in this nation, and we are looking for AIMers who are willing to step out by faith to do what they have never done before. Currently, we have 3 established churches (located in Geneva, Bern, and Lugano) and we are looking to expand our team to reach the uttermost parts of Switzerland.

Are you passionate about finding open doors in new cities? Do you feel called to reach villages, ethnic, and linguistic groups for the first time? Do you feel called to evangelize? Then this is your field.

There are opportunities to be involved in Bible studies, personal evangelism, leading worship nights, prayer walks, and so much more. This field is ripe for the harvest and in need of laborers.

AIMers will participate in recurring, onsite, and virtual mission training sessions.

AIMers will rent an AirBnB apartment (exact city to be determined in conversation with the supervising missionary) and travel by public transit.

This listing is for a couple/family/team for a 3-12 month term who are ready to seek out new contacts and preaching points under the supervision of the missionary. The projected arrival date is as soon as possible!



*Upon appointment, the final budget will include 10% administrative fees, monthly account maintenance fees, and required medical insurance.


Amber Hackenbruch



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