Switzerland [7068]

Do you have a love for homemaking? Do you have a burden to lift the arms of a missionary and give them relief from the day-to-day? Most of all, have you wondered if there is a place for these gifts in short-term missions? We would love to have you in Switzerland.

Take your love of cooking and use it to help a missionary have healthy home-cooked meals. Use your passion for hostessing and create an atmosphere in which national leaders can connect and grow. Make use of your gift for organization to bring order to a missionary’s home. Let your prayer life infuse the area with peace. AIMers may also have the opportunity to teach, organize prayer walks, host Bible studies and worship nights, and use their homemaking talents to connect with the Swiss people.

AIMers will participate in recurring, onsite, and virtual mission training sessions.

AIMers will rent an AirBnB apartment (exact city to be determined in conversation with the supervising missionary) and travel by public transit.

This listing is for a team of ladies, widows, or single women of all ages; from early to later in life for a 3-month term. The projected start date is as soon as possible!



*Upon appointment, the final budget will include 10% administrative fees, monthly account maintenance fees, and required medical insurance.


Amber Hackenbruch



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