Switzerland [7071]

Do you passion for youth ministry? Do you have a burden for youth across the world? Switzerland needs a youth ministry team to help facilitate a youth program and curriculum in a multicultural setting. Many of the youth in Switzerland speak minimal English, so language study is a requirement to teach the youth in Switzerland the Gospel. Presently, if you are fluent, or if you are learning to speak French, German, Italian, Romansh, Arabic, and/or Spanish you could be a blessing to the Swiss church. AIMers would work alongside the Swiss Missions team, local pastors, and the UPC of Switzerland to facilitate youth classes, local and regional youth events, and attend youth-related conferences such as youth camps, the Swiss National Conference, Euro Youth Conference, and more.

AIMers will participate in recurring, onsite, and virtual mission training sessions.

AIMers will rent an AirBnB apartment (exact city to be determined in conversation with the supervising missionary) and travel by public transit.

This listing is for a couple/family/team or single female for a 3-month term. The projected start date is as soon as possible!



*Upon appointment, the final budget will include 10% administrative fees, monthly account maintenance fees, and required medical insurance.


Amber Hackenbruch



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