Go!Center #1299
Location: Liverpool, England.
Ministry: Proven Bible study teacher who is willing to turn their hand to whatever is needed, such as: admin work, day-to-day church business assistance; someone who can think on their feet.
Go!Center #1299
Location: Liverpool, England.
Ministry: Proven Bible study teacher who is willing to turn their hand to whatever is needed, such as: admin work, day-to-day church business assistance; someone who can think on their feet.
WHAT? An Army wife in the 1980s, our Palauan pastor was won to the Lord in the States. She wondered for years why no missionary wanted to take the...
WHAT? The church on the beautiful island of Saipan has lain dormant since its pastor passed away in 2011. Field Superintendent, missionaries David...
Focus: UPCI Finland's training program. We are in need of a person with video editing and library curation expertise to assist with taking our...